Intro to FPV - Anatomy of a Racing Drone March 13, 2019So just what is a racing drone and what makes it work? To get a quad in the air you need seven things. To make it FPV you need a few...
Intro To FPV - Propellers March 13, 2019Propellers make a big impact on how a miniquad performs & how long a battery lasts. In this post, we explain what all the numbers means and what props you should...
Intro to FPV - Flight Controllers March 13, 2019The flight controller (or FC or sometimes even just “board”) is the brain of the quad. It carries the sensors and processor that make all this possible. Using data from a...
Intro to FPV - ESCs March 13, 2019Put simply, ESCs (or Electronic Speed Controllers) take signals from the flight controller and current from the battery and tell the motors what to do.
Intro to FPV - Motors March 13, 2019Like most things in this hobby, motors come with their own range of stats and acronyms. Let’s break them down!
Intro to FPV - Radio Control March 13, 2019The control link to your quad is crucial - without one you’re going no where and with a bad one you’re going down! There are two main types in use...